
20210612 : post pandemic world

This covid thingy has indeed turned the world upside down. I think we don't yet know fully or understand all of the cascading ripple effects. Obvious direct impacted are travel, tourism depending things, aviation, hospitality, etc.  They are exploring making a vaccine passport to control borders and vaccine passes for public events real. The only thing stopping goverments is their own inability to provide vaccine for all. But it will be a reality soon.  What will folks like AirBnB do? I'm thinking that you can only book some properties if you have a vaccine pass. Once they make it available for children (and they will, its too lucrative to ignore), I'm thinking parents themselves will demand that the vaccine pass be made mandatory to attend classes physically. And there will be more boosters and versions based on the mutants. Its unlikely to be a simple yes/no business. The vaccine non-believers will have not much of a world to live in... Online shopping of anything is her

20210608 : Selfless giving

One of my friends, few weeks back, gifted a pert of her Liver to save another. If I'm right, the recipient was her husband's cousin sister's husband. His Liver had fully failed and needed someone to come forward and donate. This was in amidst the Covid wave and she had to travel to another city for the transplant. I presume there was an emotional connect to prompt doing it, but I also presume there were more than ample real and valid reasons not to do so as well.. Just traveling to another city and going to a hospital when you have a complete family is a strong enough reason... But she went anyway... Sometimes, we encounter many situations/ circumstances when we are forced to think what to do... I reckon there will be many choices. We almost always know the most appropriate thing to do and everything else. None of them are right or wrong. Just that one feels most appropriate than others. Every other choice is represented in or mind with a very strong advocate. The reasons c

20210605 : thoughts on Appa's passing

Yesterday my dad passed. I'm sad he is not amongst us anymore. But I'm not grief stricken. He was 86. But for the past few months, he was absolutely independent. While he had his share of health issues, he was ok generally. While not an excess, he had a comfortable life. In all, i feel he had a full life. Yes, i feel bad he is no more, but equally I'm glad his suffering was not prolonged further. I cried sometimes after he passed, questioning myself what I'm crying about.    I did question myself if I'd do more for him if i knew 86 was the limit, well, I'd do a lot of things differently if i could foretell things... I guess that's a futile line of thinking... I did feel extremely sad though that i couldn't do the last rites, that i couldn't comfort my mom, help Chitra with everything, Hug Maya when she was crying and tell her its ok. Just participate... That also I'm getting better at feeling numb. Everytime I'm unable to participate, a part

20210531 : evolution and hiccups

I am unable to swallow anything. Apart from swallowing itself being a problem (anything being pushed down the oesophagus), the bigger problem is aspiration. Even a spoon of water, some of it goes into the windpipe (trachea) causing violent coughing. It's not just me, many stroke survivors have some form of disphagia (trouble swallowing). This is because we (well, most mammals I know), have the food pipe and the windpipe opening up at the pharynx (back of throat). Alternatively, if they didn't merge, it would be simpler no? I wonder, Why did this happen? Even a simple thing like getting hiccups? Why does it happen? I mean, i know how and why it physiologically happens. But what advantage does it give in evolutionary terms? It doesn't help in "fight" or "flight". It doesn't even help if you want to hide!  So, why was it needed this way?  I imagine it would by a struggle when evolving. So, Why did the characteristics survive the lens of natural or arti

20210528 : My 3 Gods

 On a lighter note.... I have 3 Gods I wholeheartedly worship today. My Trimurthis, I may say #1. The most powerful of them is the "Bell" always by my side. Without it it's impossible for me to get attention. It answers my call everytime and someone turns up to fulfill my need. I wont make it past 1 hour without this God. #2. Is the mobile phone. The only window I have to communicate and interact. Without it, I'm as good as non-existent. #3. Is the TV in my room. When I'm not involved with God #2, thats my refuge. God #2 gives me a lot of strength, but maybe after a day of separation, i will need god #3. 😂

20210526 : my version of God

From the time of the stroke (from when i could think straight at least), till sometime ago ( maybe for 18 months atleast), I was dogged all the time about whether it was some orchestrated moment or just some random occurance, just bad luck or something else which I can't even think about. The frank answer, after a lot, and its a lot of thinking, is I'm not really sure. I have always felt just absence of evidence for one doesnt automatically prove the other. I have kinda been sure all along that Gods, at least the way it usually is propagated, and religions are all crafted up stuff. It was needed to bring about compliance to build up civilizations and organised societies. I guess that time is over. Long back in fact... The other angle is considering it's all random.. everything is a combination of natural and artificial selection and we have today. However, there is too much detail in everything natural to simply consider it random. It's a possibility, but with very less

20210515 : dinosaurs.

Here's a twisted theory: I've always doubted the theory that a meteor took out the dinosaurs... There were too many of them, across species, amphibians, land species, flying ones etc. To be wiped clean by one falling rock... After seeing the potential of this pandemic, that doubt has become stronger...  Sure, maybe it was the falling rock. But its maybe its what came with it that did the trick.  That would be a cool killing a lot more with one stone...