20220319 : Save the Soil
"Energy can not be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another." It's something we have learnt in school and is a law by itself that governs us - the whole universe. Human beings, all beings actually, are arguably just energy. That includes animals, aquatic life, insect etc. Also includes plants, shrubs, trees, etc. All things with a life, so to speak. So what is conception and giving birth to another life? Same as hatching or germination. A new life is created. A new bundle of energy. Does the energy of the mother (parent in general - most don't have a gender), become lesser at thit time or energy just grows. I would think it grows - the parent is unlikely to make it if energy is taken away each time. (Huge no. of kids earlier!) I would think the energy contained grows bigger as we grow. I guess this is well known - that energy comes from the food we consume. It is plant and animal energy that we ingest. When we expire? Where does the energy go...