20230423 : birthright
There are many things defined in various country's constitutions as fundamental rights. I frankly don't know what the fundamental in them stand for. In my opinion, the 1 and only fundamental and birthright we are all born with is to die. It was a thought I was comfortable with for a long time. I felt denied my fundamental birthright after my stroke. In all honesty, I am being propped up to live in many many ways. * If nobody realised and my wife and friends did not act quickly, 6th feb 2019 early morning would have been the end. * If there was no MRI facilities in the hospital to identify the clot in my brain, it would have been the end. * If my wife's cousin - the neurosurgeon hadn't acted swiftly on his feet, probably 9am would have been the end. * If there were no life saving medicines and ability to intubate with tracheostomy, probably another day . * If there was no ability to put a tube into my stomach (ryles initially and PEG later) to put water and nutrients to ...