
Showing posts with the label phone

20220503 : misplaced value.

Sometime ago, (i don't remember when), I shared about my 3 Gods - the Bell, the TV and the Phone. There is an call bell app on my phone now. I use it frequently to get attention when I am not able to have the physical bell with me. The TV has broken down on two occasions in the last year and I have survived weeks without it - listening to music and podcasts on my phone. It is safe to say that the 3 of them have converged to 1 single supreme power. Over the past 1 and half years, I have started to use the phone - very slowly and rudimentary in the beginning and very powerful things progressively. I live in WhatsApp and Gmail. I would have no idea how to spend time if I could not correspond with the world.  I also occasionally use hangouts, telegram, zoom, skype, dischord, etc. All to connect with others. I have a lot of financial abilities because I have the banking apps of every bank that I bank with. I have a bunch of other financial apps and of course - Google pay and phone pe an

20210822 : my nurse's phone

My nurse's phone saga continues... Few days back, I shared about my nurse wanting to buy a phone. Well, the same day my other nurse's phone well and truly died. It was an old phone, repaired many times earlier and visible battle wounds. No hopes of resuscitation I guess. She has been like a fish out of water for past 2 days. This morning, she asked me which phone to buy.  I have not felt the burden of responsibility come down so heavily in a while. I wouldn't feel so much pressure if I was selecting for myself. I asked the price range and did the research. I felt very relieved when she told me her brother picked a make/ model and that would be it. It was not the same I had arrived at. So I just gave it as a suggestion for the same range and left it at that.. So many times we give opinion/advise to others. I would categorise into three categories. 1. Where out of our concern for some situation, we dish it out. Its mostly unsolicited. When we give it, we kinda know, it will m

20210820 : Peer pressure

My nurses were discussing today about their phones. How old it is, etc. One of them remarked that she would buy a new phone next month. She mentioned the make/ model as well. The phone she mentioned probably costs 2 months pay she must be getting from the agency. She is from north india, is staying away from home, working 24x7, most of the time indoors, not exactly a pleasure of a job, letting go of dietary longings, etc. Now, I am no judge what anybody should desire or have. But on the surface, it seemed to me like a very disproportionate reward for the hard work and sacrifices she makes. Peer pressure can be a real bummer!