20210615 : Hallucinations & reality
This is a long one and maybe a very confusing one too.. If you want to spare yourself the confusion, best not to go further... These are just my thoughts not intended to contest anybody's beliefs. When I had my stroke, I had many experiences. I saw myself on the OT table undergoing the trachiostomy. It was not a 3 sec experience, i saw myself for what seemed like half a minute. I could very clearly see them make the incision near my throat and put the pipe in. I recognised Dr. Dheeraj the instant I saw him and even knew his name. He had made an appearance on several occasions to me in various contexts. There was a lady and guy who chisteled off my right wrist to take my watch. I was left screaming in pain to die bleeding. I saw myself undergo another operation where they used some sort of small grinding machine to completely shave off my tongue. They said it was very normal when it's obstructing breathing and the grows back. When my speech therapist later asked me to put ou...