
Showing posts with the label tutor

20230402 : my new tutor

I work with Google sheets a lot. There was a particular thing I wanted to do:  I wanted to read a sheet periodically , compare 2 values from cells and if a particular condition was met, to get an email notification that the condition was met.  I also wanted to change one of the values periodically . I didn't know if this was even possible. I asked Google if I can do something like this. I spent almost the whole of one evening even to get to that understanding if this was possible. After an evening, and seeing several websites that Google sent me to, I was kinda sure but not yet confident that it could be done. Today I asked the same question to chatGPT. In a matter of seconds, it told me yes it can be done with an ability called time triggers in app scripts in Google sheets. I didn't even know that something like app scripts existed. I asked it what was needed to work with app scripts and realised it is javascript based.  I have never coded in JavaScript and while I have ...