
Showing posts with the label check out

20241202 - What I mean...

Recently, I wrote about my feeling that my condition had started on a declining slope. ( https://mindofmystrokedbrain. two-lines-curves-and-their. html ) I got many kind folks telling me afterwards that it was going to be temporary, not lose hope, it'll certainly get better, etc. I think we, human beings - are inherently compassionate/ good. At least 99+% of us. I think so. As an untrained person, If I meet a stage 4 aggressive illness person, who has absolutely no chance and is in a palliative care facility, my first impulse is to offer kind words of "it'll be ok" etc. The feeling is real. very real. but devoid from reality completely. Same with me. I completely and 100% appreciate & understand the sentiment of caring by folks offering it. But as I said, it is completely devoid of practical reality. Even my therapists who work with me everyday don't know what is happening with me everyday. Due to their professional experience ...