20211107 : Complex Crane
On several occasions in the past, many folks have said to me that I have to look at my rehab as similar to a baby learning to do things. 'baby learning to walk' was the cited favourite. I bought it for a while... As I mulled over it, it seemed more and more a ridiculous comparison... I had lived for long, knew very well this was how the limbs/ body was supposed to work. It just stopped working one day. I never paid attention and I don't know how it worked. Everything was done unconsciously/ subconsciously. Now, I was having to do things consciously without knowing how to? It is widely accepted that kids get a sense/ realisation of "self" sometime between 2 - 3 years. Till then they don't even know their body is theirs. But they learn to do things much earlier. Most walk by a year. If we think about it, it is science fiction stuff. That they see limbs and use them without knowing it belongs to them. Must feel like the operator of a very complex crane with many...