
Showing posts with the label dream

20220524 : dream... reality...

I had a dream last night. Very strange dream. Well all dreams are strange anyway - that is quite normal. I call it strange because it was in a very strange place - which was a combination of which looked resembled an airport area, it had the house (apartment) in the airport which was a multi storey building. It was physically located in what seemed like one of the places in one of the countries I have stayed. It had transport facilities like another, it had a market from one place, a food court from another etc. Pretty fictitious and normal for a dream... The strange part is it it is not the first time I have dreamed of this place. At least a dozen or so times in the past. Each time it is a different situation/ circumstance and different people, but in the same place and setting. It's like the place exists. Come to think of it, what is a real place? It is also in the mind with a different set of rules. We live in it when the body is awake and it is real here. Other places that is c...

20220311 : dream world/ reality

When I was a boy, in school, my mother used to wake me up early in the morning. Most of the time it would be to study when it was close to the tests/ exams. Later, it was regular - as I had to go for my maths tution. it was at 6:30am, so I had to be up early and get ready and cycle about 15 mins to get there... I would reluctantly get up, go brush my teeth, finish my morning ablutions and change my clothes. It was Nutramul/ Maltova/ Bournvita/ Complan days and a big nice hot mug would be waiting for me. I would gulp it down, take the cycle and get to the premises as fast as I could. I would usually make it just in time or just late and would squeeze myself in the corner at the back. For some reason, this teacher loved simultaneous equations/ quadratic equations and it was very common to find very familiar problems on the board which he would give and go home (adjoining) for a cuppa. That was the time to snooze for me. More often than not, I would hear him suddenly come and shouting at...

20210103 : My hallucinations

Now that i have an account of what transpired, i will try to giva a glimpse of what was happening in my head. I dont know if they were dreams, hallucinations or imaginations. They were fantastical and detailed and unlike dreams which you typically forget or fades out, some of them i remember very clearly. I had no sense of time and dont remember the sequence it all played out. Each thread felt like it ran into days.. reminds me of the movie 'Inception' where your life in that world is 20 times normal time.. and if you asked me, i  could swear it was all real. It took a while to figure it was all just in my head... ___________ I was in the ambulance of what looked like some basement, seemed more like the basement parking of some mall. There was a lot of fight and argument and there was no room free to admit me. So, i stayed in the basement for days together.. ***** This might have been in the 2st hospital, im not sure ___________  I was tied to a chair and left dangling from a ...