20211002 : Expectations, obligations and Charity
I have had some very positive experiences recently whilst dealing with the customer care of a very big establishment. All on emails and chat... It is a big establishment and they should be well trained with a good process undoubtedly. However, I have had the same positive experience in the last year with many places, big and small. Even when I had ordered a piece of furniture at the turn of the year, and I was not very happy with the product and very unhappy with the delivery/installation, I got very patient customer service. Again, all over email and chat. When I could speak earlier, I have not had this same experience. I can only deduce, that my impatience/ irritation / anger at times, was very evident in my voice and folks were only reciprocating my behavior.. Why was I not showing the patience that I was expecting back? Why did it not register that the other end of the line had a person first and the organization next. Why expect good behaviour when I was not doing the same......