20220621 : priviledge
I have a temporary nurse currently. My usual nurse is on leave for a few days. Today the temp nurse got a call from the agency confirming her next duty. She looked a bit tensed after the call. So I asked (with my usual indication) as to what happened. She told me her next duty will be for a 1 year old. The baby is still in hospital and will come home in the next couple of days. I don't know what happened to him (or her - I don't know), but he has a trachiostomy (tube in the throat for breathing) and I am guessing a tube for feeding as well. She has worked with adults with these tubes but an infant is a very different ball game. I have had a tracheostomy for a while. It was a horrible experience. I still have a tube for feeding. It doesn't bother me much now as it is direct to the stomach. I don't know if they do a peg to small infants. It will likely be a tube running from the nose through the throat all the way to the stomach for feeds. I have had that too - for about ...