20210612 : post pandemic world

This covid thingy has indeed turned the world upside down. I think we don't yet know fully or understand all of the cascading ripple effects.

Obvious direct impacted are travel, tourism depending things, aviation, hospitality, etc. 

They are exploring making a vaccine passport to control borders and vaccine passes for public events real. The only thing stopping goverments is their own inability to provide vaccine for all. But it will be a reality soon.

 What will folks like AirBnB do? I'm thinking that you can only book some properties if you have a vaccine pass.
Once they make it available for children (and they will, its too lucrative to ignore), I'm thinking parents themselves will demand that the vaccine pass be made mandatory to attend classes physically. And there will be more boosters and versions based on the mutants. Its unlikely to be a simple yes/no business.

The vaccine non-believers will have not much of a world to live in...

Online shopping of anything is here to stay. We can kiss goodbye to most brick and mortar shops and what shopping meant .

Same with most restaurants. Online food delivery and dining at home will be more mainstream. But it will also reduce the entry barrier for more players, you only need to deal with a kitchen and no dining.

What about retail? If we don't go out much, will folks need as many fashionable clothes? If we don't go to office much, will folks need as many formal clothes. That many clothes in general...

If we don't need to commute as much, will we buy as many vehicles? Or will we buy more because we feel more secure in our own vehicles? What will be the changed uber? Many businesses established on the premise of some form of ride sharing has surely hit end of line no?

If you don't have to commute to work, will folks stay in cities when it's possible to live in more comfortable places. This is already happening world over . What will be the new format of real estate development?

Work from home and online schooling is here to stay whether we like it or not. This will have very deep consequences I'm thinking 

We didn't get to the top of the chain because we are individually better than others. Its our ability to collaborate flexibility (its not my view, but other well regarded evolutionary theorists). And that took a few million years. This was overnight in evolutionary scale. 
What will be the effect of long term seperation from the team/office?
What about online classes? I'm guessing children gained a lot from social interaction than books in school. What will become of their social outlook?

When adults went to work and children went to school, there was an unwritten understanding of staying out of each other's hair all day. Now, everyone is in everyone's face all the time. Will it increase bonding or tension?

Kids will be the most confused. Everyone they know is at home mainly. When they seek attention, i presume, everyone might be in front of them but either at wfh or catching up with social media. Will they grow to hate devices or get more emotionally hooked?

Anyway, these are some of the questions on my mind.

I think many traditional things will come to a consequential end. At the same time, many new ways/ opportunities will open up. Folks that can let go of traditional ways and embrace the new maybe uncomfortable ways will do better. Generally, at work, at home, everything ...


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