20220116 : informed vs intelligent
From the last 1 year, I have been able to select what I see. Initially it was a lot of entertainment (Netflix, prime,etc) and now a lot more things on YouTube that are interesting/ informative. I guess I have got bored with entertainment and have realised while it is very enjoyable, it is basically a waste of my life. I don't want to pretend like my mind doesn't need the distraction/ entertainment. I do indulge every now and then, but I have cut it down a lot. Of course, when I am not watching any of that, I have the news playing. Any news will do. I do so - so the TV creates noise and keeps my company. I don't have to pay attention to it, it just screams uninterrupted. I can do something else... What I have realised (it is well known, but difficult to appreciate) is that there is no end to knowing anything. I just have to get interested in some topic/ information and it opens up a different rabbit hole. A whole new world I didn't know existed. And this is just with You...