
Showing posts with the label words

20230328: Those missing words...

Sometime in 2015 (I think late 2015), I started saying a chant. I don't know if it is a chant/ sloka/ mantra/ prayer etc., I refer to it as a chant going forward. I started saying it. Once everyday definitely and sometimes more than once a day if I felt like it.  It was quite a long chant in Sanskrit with 185 stanzas if I remember correctly. I have heard many famous musicians recite it in many different ways. I had not liked any of them. There was one particular rendition I had liked a lot . It was very slow, very clear and he had a very good voice. That particular rendition took 42 minutes . At a regular pace and not loudly but a silent chant would take about 16-18 minutes for me. When I learnt it, i think it took me something like 2½ months to finally remember it and recite it in one go. When I started with it, it seemed like an impossible task. I think what helped was engaging as many senses as I could to make the impressions on my mind. I used to read it, play the chant on my p...

20220115 : Pictures and Words

I have always been a "man of few words". My mind saw in pictures. When someone described something, it first converted itself into a picture/ a diagram/ some sort of depiction in my mind so I could understand better. When someone asked me to explain something, I would ask for a paper and pen so I could draw something. At work, the whiteboard and marker were my best friends. I was also particularly good with imagining things in 3D. It's probably why I loved 'Engineering Drawing' when most hated it. "A picture spoke a thousand words" to me. And then the stroke happened. And I was left with only the "thousand words"... I struggled to befriend it. In the early days, it was an impossible thing. Everything in my head was pictures - and I had to translate them into words. Not just words, but very short and simple words - with the morse code first and the printed keyboard after. I had to be very frugal with words. It was a nightmare. I hated it. Then ...