
Showing posts with the label taste

20220316 : Soup

I have mentioned many times earlier about my battle with a few spoons every afternoon. Usually it is a soup of tomato or carrot or a combination of the two. Given my tolerance, no spices are added. Just a pinch of salt to taste . It tastes good and I have got used to them. Few days back, I was given something else. I couldn't identify the taste/ flavour. So I asked later and I was told what it was. It's a vegetable I must have had a million times in all possible ways. And I couldn't recognise it! Its plain naked as well - no other spices and flavours. I then realised I don't get the taste of the others properly also. I just imagine it is so because of the colour. More towards Red it must be tomato and more towards Orange it must be carrots. And combinations for the hues inbetween. I don't actually know what it tastes like. It will be fun if I do a blind taste test. I am guessing they will all taste similar. Even more fun, if no blindfold but food colouring is used ...

20210114 : My desire to eat

In the initial days of stroke, i used to get very emotional when anyone had food or drink in front of me. I used to feel so very bad. It was gut wenching to struggle with a spoon of water and have someone glug down bottles of water.. or hearing which dishes were better at some restaurant or hear arguments as to what to order from swiggy... Then i came home and everyone did a phenomenal job in being considerate not eating or bringing any food in front of me, except for the occassional tea. Coffee was still banned, fearing the aroma would set me off ( i still had the trac and couldnt smell anything). My poor daughter still struggles to hide the junk she eats.. Over a period i realised i was not that which triggered it when i saw foods. I thought over time i have adjusted and become less emotional. But that wasnt the case. I have realised that the desire to eat something, apart from feeling hungry, is complex. Its like going to a restaurant and being given a menu. When you order something...