20230213: blue oceans of tomorrow
First everybody world over were growing food. You rarely got to eat foods that were not from our locales. But that changed over the centuries. With increasing connectivity routes and transportation options - everyone got access to everything. Which is great. This however meant very gradually people only started growing stuff in their spaces what was easy (economically less expensive) and profitability. Soon agriculture focussed jobs reduced. It definitely still exists - we still need food. But the shift made people to go find something else to do. After a while, manufacturing jobs bloomed everywhere propelled by the industrial revolution - everyone had something to do. Blue collar jobs everywhere. Soon what could be done in one place, could be done elsewhere as well. Manufacturing moved to more convenient places (inexpensive supply, abundance of labour, etc) - more economically viable and profitable places. Thus blue collar jobs shifted. Within the countries, overseas etc. So we had lo...