20220217 : living the image
I stopped studying biology after 10th. I hated it. I avoided it very much - I liked things with wires. During and after engineering, I was an engineer in my mind, I would avoid biology stuff. In recent times, after 3 decades, I have realised I actually enjoy it. Understanding various things about humans/ animals/ etc. I realised it was a combination of the subject delivery that had brought the aversion which I built on top of. I spent 3 decades avoiding something because I had behaved according to an image of myself I had created. There are many such things which I have not done because it is not me or my type , because I think so or others have told me so. I also regularly come across tons of messages, memes, Quotes, etc. everyday. They come in many shapes and forms - essentially meaning - " I am like this only, take it or leave it". I think we are all born a clean slate. As we grow, we acquire many things - skills, thinking, stuff, roles, etc. The image starts slowly...