
Showing posts with the label accelerometer

20220108 : Gyroscopes and Accelerometers

Everyday I stand for sometime with the standing frame.  When my physiotherapist comes, he makes me walk a bit with the frame. Some days he puts my leg in a knee brace (so it doesn't buckle), the ankle in a AFO brace (so it is supported and does not twist) and he makes me do the same walk. He holds me by the side, my left arm around his neck, right arm in a sling around my neck and lifts my right hip every other stride so I can try and drag the right foot forward a little. It is anyway impossible if the hip is not lifted by him. I wonder everytime, what is that bloody leg made out of. Concrete, iron, something heavier - gold maybe.  Some days, we get even more adventurous. He makes me stand, right leg fully braced up and he lets go. His both hands few centimetres away and the nurses close by , waiting for the catch. Brief periods - to see if the body can balance. Earlier, before the stroke, standing was taken for granted. There was millions of years of evolution supporting the ...