20210819 : Godmen and woowoo factor
Few days back, I had a few friends home, and I was witness to a hilarious conversation One of them, let's call that person A, is very logical, rational, practical, spiritual (in a non traditional way) and is ready to accept iffi stuff as long as there is a logical explanation or proof. B, is also logical, rational, practical, is spiritual but is more open to accept various possibilities. I don't remember how the conversation got there, but it was very amusing to listen to both points of view about the famous Double split experiment where a particle changes its behaviour between a particle and wave, based on whether it is observed or not. The hilarious part was, just like the experiment, the same observation was deduced by A as supporting a scientific knowledge of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and B used the same observation to support the proof of energy in spirituality to accept various possibilities. The irony was so funny. Then the conversation came finally to Godme...