20211209 : suicide
I was watching something yesterday about the growing number of suicides the world over. The pandemic, lockdowns, uncertainty, lack of social support etc is accelerating the trend. It got me thinking, why do we even think of committing suicide? Don't read me wrong. Depression is real. Suicidal tendencies are real. I have spent a large part of the last 3 years constantly contemplating about it. But why do we do it? We humans are the only species to think it and do it. No animal jumps off a cliff without knowing how to fly. No animal wades into the ocean if it doesn't know how to swim... Some insects - like soldier ants, bees, etc. are known to give up their life to defend their colony. But that is just instinctive sacrifice as part of living... I get the science - only we have a deep sense of self, a deep understanding of cause and effect, etc. But I would assume survival instinct would prevent such thoughts. I get murder - it is very little in humans because of conscience. I get...