
Showing posts with the label superstition

20210813 : Friday the 13th

Good day... Today is Friday the 13th, one of the most feared days of the year by many. So, I looked online why so. Surely, like most other things that we unquestioningly follow, had some basis in olden days and simply not relevant anymore (like the famous gauge of tracks - which is too difficult to change, Daylight savings -which we can, but don't have the will or worse, like the qwerty keyboard - which we are pretty good with, but was designed for just the opposite, but we have got so accustomed to.) But no . I found zilch. No alignment of celestial bodies today. It's as superastitious as a black cat bringing bad luck. I am unusually rigid and very tired today. My physio didn't go well. I am probably coming down with something. But I know what to attribute it to. Our nanny/ housekeeper called this morning and said she was unwell and couldn't come. She was probably struck down by the same phenomenon. We have bought a new appliance which needs to be installed today . If ...