20230212 : Phantom's alter-ego
You may have heard of Phantom - Phantom of the limbs i.e. Phantom limb is a syndrome felt by many who have lost a limb. Could be a hand or leg - which has been lost in war, accident or something else and had to be amputated. Basically they sometimes feel the lost limb - strange feelings in the limb or pain in the limb, etc - even though the limb is not there. Its not an easy problem to solve - how can we cure a hand or leg that is not there. It happens because the nerve endings of the lost limb, where it is amputated, sometimes send vague messages up to the brain. The person does not see the limb, so their mind agrees but the brain is still seeing the limb sometimes because it is getting signals. It is a very confusing feeling when the mind and brain don't agree . I don't know Phantom, but I am very familiar with his alter-ego. I have two limbs and various pieces of real estate on my body which are his home. Take my right hand as an example. I can see it . I can touch it with m...