
Showing posts with the label producers

20221107 : COP

COP27 begins this week. Every news channel around the world is abuzz with some story about it.  I am guessing from the creative naming that there have been 26 of these earlier. I wouldn't say nothing has been achieved this long, many things have been done. Much more could have been achieved I feel though . One thing it has established (for me) is that the world decided to come together and do something about the situation 27 years back. Prior to that it was probably easier to do anything... One of the key debate in COP is that the developed/ richer countries have to bear the burden and pay the developing/ poorer countries because - well somebody has to pick up the tab right... It isn't a new debate, it has been going on for years. I am not aware of all the details, but the line of thinking and argument I have come across most often is that: some countries had the luxury of taking the lead (due to various geopolitical circumstances) to do their dirty work and got developed and r...