20211224 : algorithms
I watch mostly news, TED talks, cooking videos on YouTube. I watch action and thriller/suspense inclined movies on Netflix, Prime, Disney, etc. I buy and browse certain types of things on Amazon, Myntra,etc I don't go to other SM sites like FB, Insta, Twitter, TicToc etc., But I am fairly certain it is the same. They all know me well enough to dish out a curated list of anything just for me.. If I could eat, by now they would know my likes, dislikes and dietary preferences better than me by now. If I dare stray away, I am chaperoned back by Google. And they are doing their best to help in a way, so as to navigate through the clutter and get to where I most likely will go anyway. As this curation gets better, I get faster in doing what I want to do, quicker in making up my mind, smarter with what I know, etc. The "algorithms" don't really know me. They are helping my mind focus on things quicker, better, smarter, etc. Yual Noah Harrari predicts these algorithms to be ...