20220705 : source of strength
Over the last couple of years, almost everyone who has met me or interacted with me has given encouraging words of some form. Whether it is family, friends, carers, doctors, therapists, etc - almost everyone. The encouragement is many kinds but at the core of it, there will be an underlying message of "don't give up hope, God is there". Not in those same words, but something to that effect. I am not a God believer in the traditional sense. Neither am I a pure atheist . I am kind of a trishanku (tri-state) fellow. Kind of hedging my bets both ways I guess. Now, I certainly know everyone is meaning well and I ignore that part of the encouragement. However, I don't know how if a purist atheist will receive it. It is not possible for everyone, but I think it is important for folks in the healthcare world (doctors, therapists etc.) to understand the belief/ source of strength for their patients. Funny thought - our hospital file should have a tick box saying: God believer ...