20211208 : MEP test
I have had many kinds of teats after my stroke. The ones I remember the most is referred to as the MEP test . I underwent it 4 times I think. Thrice when I was conscious and could know what was going on and once when I was in la la land still. That was initially when I was in the ICU and hadn't yet come back to reality. That particular time, I was convinced they were harvesting my organs as part of some racket. I wanted to get out of that place asap - I didnt yet know I was in a hospital. The last one I think was November end last year. I want to describe this test, mainly because it was always done in the ICU and unlikely anyone from family or friends would have seen it. The test was what it was. I have described it the way I experienced it. The MEP test - Motor Evoked Potential test. I think it is to check how much of the signals from the brain propagates to the limbs. I don't know how many places they do it. Anyway, it had to be done only in the ICU - I guess just in case t...