
Showing posts with the label carers

20210508 : my carers

I have had at least some 25 Nurses/Attenders at home till date. I'm sure a greater number are to come in the future too... For atleast a year, we had only male folk. Then came the lockdown suddenly last year and as an act of desperation to get someone overnight, reluctantly, I settled for a female nurse.  Soon we realised she was doing better than the accompanying male nurse (who was a lunatic in his own right, who we had to bring to Mumbai in an equal or more desperate situation). He was replaced with another guy who had his share of issues... So we replaced him with another female nurse (who proved to be very good and stayed the longest too). We realised soon after that they worked well together and more importantly, everyone in the house is more relaxed and comfortable with women in the house (and Leia too) So, from the past year, it has been only women nurses exclusively.  I have also requested for replacing some of the guys earlier for their antics which there has been ...