
Showing posts with the label moon

20220202: Early morning cough

Another disclaimer : this is my own experiences and observations and not a proven science. So take it with a pinch of salt, ample salt actually. ______________________ Every morning, early, I have a very bad cough. I cough all through the day, but the morning ones are particularly bad. Especially as I am not in the elevated position yet and still lying down. It is not a dry cough, it is a very chesty cough. Of course I can not feel anything much, but that is my assessment based on what I hear. I can hear the secretions in the lungs and trachea making all kinds of noises when I cough. Rest of the day, I don't experience it that often and that much. I have tried to correlate it with sleep, tiredness, fever, feed, any other discomfort etc. and I have unable to correlate. One thing I realised recently was that it would be dark when I started coughing, little before 6:00am and stops after about 8:00am - it is also the time I am elevated (come to a sitting position). If it was just the p...

20220128 : Moon...

I am sharing this information simply because it is amusing how I had assumed otherwise for so many years and it was an eye-opener to me. Disclaimer : this is a summary in my words based on many things I read in many places. so it may not be absolutely accurate, but I hope it is not incorrect.  Neither am I trying to challenge or disprove anything/ anyone. Just an attempt to share information. ________________________ For many years now, I have subscribed to the thinking that a " full   moon " causes many effects on our body - many subtle effects which are not perceptible by many. And why not, we have seen the effect the moon has on the ocean tides - a full moon has to have a bigger effect then. Well, turns out, since it is only reflected light of the Sun, makes no difference whether it is full or half or new moon. Although the light shines differently everyday, it's the same moon everyday. Full and whole... But the moon does have a gravitational impact on the earth - that...