
Showing posts with the label robotics

20230208 : economics of tomorrow's world

Once in a while, I entertain myself interacting with chatGPT from open AI. It has been a while - it doesn't allow me to login as it is always overloaded. Today morning, I got an audience. Couple of days back - somebody who I know had informed me that they were anaemic . So I thought I'll ask it what would be good to eat. I asked a fairly loose question and it replied with some loose information. I realised this person does not have meat. So I changed the question to a more specific one.  __________ Q> What vegetarian food can we eat to increase hemoglobin ? I expected a vague answer like earlier. However, this is what I got: A> To increase hemoglobin levels, you can eat foods rich in iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid. Some vegetarian options that are high in these nutrients include: Iron: Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, dried apricots, raisins, fortified cereals, legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans), tofu, tempeh Vitamin B12: Fortified plant-based milks and br...

20220119 : mankind vs robotics

Last couple of days, I have been seeing a bunch of videos/ talks on AI/ Algorithms/ robotics, etc. Nothing new about most of it... There is a common underlying thread though - that they will never get better than us, because we have "consciousness" on our side. Better doesn't mean intelligent - that they already are. It's more about having a combination of thought intelligence and emotional intelligence. I guess that is about "consciousness". I feel we are taking a lot of credit for "consciousness" when we don't know what it is. Have also seen many videos and talks on it, where nobody agrees and all we have are some wild theories. I don't know if consciousness has to be one type as well. Maybe there are different types. Maybe it will be different for inorganically evolved beings than organically evolved beings. I think the turning point is not consciousness. We humans take about 20-25 years to grow up and get knowledgeable. After that, anot...