
Showing posts with the label free mind

20220118 : Maslow's hierarchy

This is a phrase I guess most of us have come across in several circumstances : "Maslow's hierarchy of needs". Basically states that we don't wish/aim for very lofty things when basic things are not met. I am sure there are many different versions to describe what I have put crudely but essentially meaning the same. It can be applied to many situations - employees behaviour in the organisation, customer behaviour towards a service/ product, etc. I recently wrote about my time/ schedule during the day and the struggle to find time to do much else. I was pondering on what to do so I can fit more activities. And it led me to think of Maslow's hierarchy. The way it is usually depicted is like a pyramid and different layers or rungs indicating the needs. I made a crude translation for that in life: The bottom most rung would probably have things like - Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Procreation, Clothes/ covering etc. Next I don't know, in our time it probably is - hea...