20211111 : Oral feeds..
Every afternoon, I have some soup. twice in the afternoons actually. I switched from juice to soup as the consistency is thicker. Stays on the tongue/ mouth longer till I can try to slowly push it down to the throat. Juice/ water consistently fluids - no moderation. Just flows in. I think the oesophagus and wind pipe have decided to exchange roles. Almost everything goes into my wind pipe which is like an open Goalpost and the oesophagus barely opens. I think something like 10% goes down the oesophagus and into the stomach. Almost 90% of it is coughed back out. I doubt anyone has the stomach to witnesses the bout (see or listen). Except the nurses of course - prolonged exposure has made for a very thick skin. But I get into the ring everyday. One would think it is a genuine fight. But it's a known outcome everytime. I go into the rigged bout. A thrown match because of the payout. The hidden bonus. Right from a very young age, I had severe bronchitis. My lungs would be clogged/ cong...