
Showing posts with the label social media

20220730 : one at a time

This is something as a pattern I have noticed with most of us. It might be right or wrong I don't know for sure, but I shall share it anyway.  I have always been a lengthy writer. I have not got very used to the messaging shortcuts and acronyms much. I tend to write sentences fully. Messages have become a big part of my life now. I mostly exist in the WhatsApp world. Earlier (years ago), I used to live in the world of emails. Even in emails, I tend to be liberal with the content. Mostly detailed/ descriptive about what I am conveying or asking or instructing.  When I moved into the messages world, I tended to do the same thing. It worked well with what I am conveying, however with the other two categories, I was not very successful and was seeing something interesting. Let us say i wanted to know about 3 things.  I would describe the 3 things in 3 paragraphs in detail and assume it was clear. However, I would receive a response about the first one only. Next I started to ...

20220612 : pressure...

When I started to write, it was very new to me and was via WhatsApp to a handful of very close people. It was more a compulsion - that was the only way I could convey what was going on in my mind. It was a very small group on WhatsApp. After a while, I got some courage and included a few more people. Still on WhatsApp. I had to create a broadcast list for that. This, while it was to share my random thoughts and share what I was going through and thinking, was mainly to generate conversations. I badly needed them. Encouraged by many of the folk, I put it up on a blog. I don't know why I did it, it was a painfully long job for me. I think I did it mainly to prove to myself that I can do it. No bells or whistles - just a very simple one. I knew nobody was seeing it because it gives stats, but for some reason kept it updated. It was just there. Nobody really visited it. Recently, I decided to post it on social media. Simply because I wanted to get a better readership reach on one part...

20220509 : Social Media power

Couple of days back, I wished to share something. I wrote on WhatsApp. it's a small bunch of people. I put it up on my blog. This was more of a ritual - nobody visits it. I shared it on a StrokeSupport group I am part of. It's off the main topic and unlikely more than a few would have read it. I wished it to have a wider audience. I wished many more to know about the experience. I realised I can't hide from social media anymore if I need the reach. So, I visited one of them. A fairly established and well known one. I was going there after a long time. A very very long time! I don't have any of the SM apps on my phone. I didn't want to install it. I logged in using the browser on the mobile. And it hit me! A flurry of updates, friend requests, notifications, chat messages etc. I felt overwhelmed with the busyness of the place!  Somebody I know just had a baby, somebody I know moved somewhere, somebody I know has an anniversary, somebody 's birthday, so on.. There...