
Showing posts with the label intention

20211119 : Thought vs Intention

Most of the time, when I am struggling with something - like trying to move my right hand or leg or anything else during physio, I know exactly what to do. Eg. when I am asked to lift the hand. I know the muscles in the triceps have to contract, the biceps have to relax and extend, the shoulder muscles should contract in a way, etc. But nothing happens. No matter how much I try and concentrate on it. Sometimes, I have to close my eyes and think of the arm moving. Just the final outcome and not of the constituents. Then it moves. I guess that is the difference between 'thought' and 'intention'...  Although, it has never worked for swallowing. I have anyway forgotten chewing anything now. After that, some magic used to happen and next morsel went into the mouth. I never paid attention to what happened inbetween. So I don't know what to imagine. Sometime back I saw a video on YouTube of a perfect swallow (an endoscopic view) Reminded me of a sci-fi-alien-horrow movie, ...