
Showing posts with the label writings

20210818 : my writings...

Some of you have remarked sometimes on something I have written, as it was very nice or conveyed something well, etc. So I thought I should throw some light on it... In the very initial days, I think around Sep of 2020, I was started to be able to type using my 1 finger. Very strenuous and painful. After a few words, the finger would stop moving or not moving where I wanted it to. So I had to conserve the energy for important things (mostly instructions to Chitra) and a few pleasantries if possible. I was staying in the hospital too. So, mostly it was enquiries and instructions. Maybe by Oct mid, I could write a couple of sentences. That is when I started to write a few things. Then I quickly realised it's not possible for me to type out something fully in one shot. There is no possibility of keeping something as draft in WhatsApp. After losing something which I had painfully typed, I realised it was a bad idea to compose in WhatsApp. So,  Gmail to the rescue... It saves draft aut...