20210906 : my Demons
This has taken me the longest time to put it together - had to visit many dark and uncomfortable alleys along the way. It was not easy. It is also my longest note till date. If you are in the middle of something or just planning, good idea to deal with it first. ******* Sometime back I made a reference to my "Demons". I will attempt to describe them here. Some of them are well and truly slain, some dormant, lurking in the dark corners and make their presence felt unexpectedly, when I am least prepared for the fight . Some, I am waging an ongoing battle. And many more yet to be encountered in areas I have not yet ventured into. I actually feel many of them are not big burley creatures but single celled like the virus. It eats you up from the inside. No known vaccine also here . You simply have to get infected by each variant to gradually build antibodies and hopefully, immunity at some point. So what I have listed is a kind of unordered list - as I could recall. It's no...