
Showing posts with the label political

20241005 - The worlds we live in

Over the years, I have heard about the many worlds that exist, based on upbringing, beliefs, etc. Bhuloka - earth I think  Swargaloka - heaven  Narakaloka - hell Paatalaloka - I don't know what it is in english  etc., etc ... As I said earlier, these are driven by our belief system, upbringing and to a certain extent, also underscored by our religious beliefs. I am sure there are many more... However, I have no real proof for most of them, except earth... Within the earth, I think we live in 5 worlds : 1. Political world  2. Economic world  3. Technological world  4. The planet world & 5. personal world. Again, I am sure there are many more dimensions to cut it into, but these are what I feel we are primarily in. 1. The political world: primarily driven by borders as countries/ nations based on all kinds of reasons - geographical, religious, language, you name it. Primarily driven by ego and power. Whether we like it or not, we belong to one of those places in this world.. 2. T