20120522 : evolution ...
Nerd warning... and lengthy warning... I don't know if I am thinking right. It's still a thought though... When computers were stand alone, it had power, but we could do very limited things with them. When computers got networked, we used to have power and the ability to share. content - static content/ information, but we suddenly could share this. Then we figured out how to save and retrieve data. So we were having a lot of data about stuff we did - transactions of any sort. When we had a lot of data, we saw patterns. It was very useful to be able to connect the dots and make sense of the patterns. When we saw these patterns, there were opportunities to act on such intelligence. So we made rules to automatically take actions based on these rules. The rules had to still be defined by us, but the actions could be done automatically - the intelligence was still us. Human Intelligence. Now we have rudimentary artificial intelligence. Some things do not need human intelligence - ...