20220609 : game of chess
Sometimes I think there is a creator. I don't know either way but ever thing is beautiful, symmetric and perfect in nature (except the human mind maybe!) It's very hard to accept everything got the way it did through consequences of mistakes over time - irrespective of how long. I think there is a creator who built/ created everything - like in a game where we can build stuff. Kind of a metaverse of the creators (well, it is likely to be multi-player). After a while, he/she got bored and took their hands off to see what would happen. Unfortunately, nothing happened. So he/ she got another creator (who was equally bored), and started playing a game. They could change everything in the original creation, except they could not do it themselves. They decided to give us a mind and had to do everything through us by controlling the mind. Like a game of chess, one was playing bright thoughts and the other was playing dark thoughts. both are creators just playing a game. One was su...