
20210106 : The Communication breakthrough

When they finally removed the trac tube, everyone was thrilled. Not that i wasnt happy, after all, we have all struggled for so long for it. Entire Mumbai circus was for it.  While there are physiological benefits, it didnt do anything to me psychogically. The real breakthrough has been being able to weild the phone and Whatsapp. All the while there was so much crap going on in my brain , and i had no idea how to express it. It also gave me the strength to stay in the hospital... Now, i can eat all your heads even if i cant eat anything else.... I remember the days when it was look up for YES and look down for NO. That was hellish as most people didnt manage to frame closed ended questions, and most often the answer had to be a MAYBE... Then, thanks to my good friend, came the morse code chart. It was a big step up. But the challenge was most people could not understand it and would turn into a guessing game.. i would get even more frustrated, drive anyone trying to help crazy , and fi

20210105 : My drooling

Why i drool so much. I am asked to swallow my saliva and not spit out.. even if wanted to , i wouldn't be able to spit..   When the saliva is secreted, some of it comes to the front, depending on my position. What goes back to the throat ,i try to swallow most of it. But what collects in the front, well, you need 4 things to suck it back 1 strong lips 2 strong breadth, to create a sucking, vaccume force 3 functioning cheeks, to fold in slightly, to aid the sucking force 4 Most importantly, working tongue, to swipe and bring it back. None of the above works properly today, let alone coordinated way to make it happen. Yes, everyone does it, unconsciously.. Its also why i am able to swallow water and even semi solids doesnt happen. When im in bed, slightly tilted back, water like fluids just flow down to the back and i dont have to do much. However with semisolids, even if i can try swallowing, the stuff just doesnt go back. Hence the drool.. Believe me i know the mess i create, and i

20210103 : My hallucinations

Now that i have an account of what transpired, i will try to giva a glimpse of what was happening in my head. I dont know if they were dreams, hallucinations or imaginations. They were fantastical and detailed and unlike dreams which you typically forget or fades out, some of them i remember very clearly. I had no sense of time and dont remember the sequence it all played out. Each thread felt like it ran into days.. reminds me of the movie 'Inception' where your life in that world is 20 times normal time.. and if you asked me, i  could swear it was all real. It took a while to figure it was all just in my head... ___________ I was in the ambulance of what looked like some basement, seemed more like the basement parking of some mall. There was a lot of fight and argument and there was no room free to admit me. So, i stayed in the basement for days together.. ***** This might have been in the 2st hospital, im not sure ___________  I was tied to a chair and left dangling from a r

20201230: The Stroke experience

On the day when i had the stroke, some very interesting things happened. The instant I had the stroke, the very instant, i saw it happening. I say i saw it, because i was seeing it from not inside myself but outside. The view was somewhere near my feet, a bit above. I was sleeping on my stomach with my face turned left. I clearly saw somebodys hand, actually not full hand, just palm reach to my right shoulder, just close to the neck, and yank at  it. It  tore the flesh, made a loud ripping noise like you get when you rip a velcro. And the whole body moved down a few inches. The next instand i was back seeing from inside, as usual... The room was spinning, and i threw up next to the bed..i remember thinking its vertigo caused by anxiety and stress and i ll be fine in a few days. I remember one of my managers having had it in Melb a few  years ago and was out of action for a few days. I was very anxious that day as we were having a team from a big company from uk visiting us in the morn

20201229 : encouragement...

It's very frustrating being told by everybody constantly that you have to do more, you have to try harder, put more effort, put more energy, etc. Like anyone wants or enjoys being like this! The bloody wires are fried! There are no control systems! I just cant make the body listen! 😠 To add insult to injury, they will perform the task and show you how it's done. I bloody know how to. Just cant do it. Thats what i meant by theory and practicals!!! Just have to keep up the chanting ....🧘‍♂️

20201227 : My dreams

My dreams are pretty weird.. i dont mean in the traditional sure everyone dreams senseless.. its weird where it plays out..  From the time ive had the stroke, no matter the weirdness of the storyline, it plays out in only in 3 places 1. My old  house, before renovation 2. my grandmothers house, and the lane near it. 3. The playground/ basketball ground in my high school Its so weird, i have lived in so many houses, in so many places, practically lived in play grounds everyday, but zilch, nada.. nothing ever figures in my stories.. all the people i ever knew feature, but only these 3 places. Also, what all i remember baffles me. So much detail it sometimes scares me. I can remember even the cobweb pattern on the metal grill of a ventilator , which you could only see from the roof.. the design and print of the old carpet incl where all it had got worn out, the list is endless... So, the memories were always there i had just forgotten how to access them. The stroke somehow rewi

20201225 : My early mornings

The Early mornings are the hardest.... Not because i dont like the time, i used to be an early riser earlier... The problem is the dreams. In my dreams, however vague the storyline, I'm still healthy, active, normal. When i wake up, I'm still in bed like a vegetable. Reality hits me. For a brief few moments, I'm confused which is the reality and for it to sink in. My body shudders and moves violently, involuntarily.. I feel like a dog running and chasing something in its sleep, if you ve seen one.. Thats why i dont sleep again during the day, no matter how tired i am. I dread going thru the feeling again. But what i dread more is that someday I'll appear as a vegetable even in my dreams. That will be the day, i feel, the subconscious has also given up... Till then, the struggle continues..