20201227 : My dreams

My dreams are pretty weird.. i dont mean in the traditional sense...im sure everyone dreams senseless.. its weird where it plays out.. 
From the time ive had the stroke, no matter the weirdness of the storyline, it plays out in only in 3 places
1. My old  house, before renovation
2. my grandmothers house, and the lane near it.
3. The playground/ basketball ground in my high school

Its so weird, i have lived in so many houses, in so many places, practically lived in play grounds everyday, but zilch, nada.. nothing ever figures in my stories.. all the people i ever knew feature, but only these 3 places.

Also, what all i remember baffles me. So much detail it sometimes scares me. I can remember even the cobweb pattern on the metal grill of a ventilator , which you could only see from the roof.. the design and print of the old carpet incl where all it had got worn out, the list is endless...

So, the memories were always there i had just forgotten how to access them. The stroke somehow rewired the access. It reminds me of the unaccessed, old memories, that are Garbage Collected in a huge pile in the movie 'Inside Out' (if you havent seen it, its worth a watch).

At the same time it has removed some wires and i have no recollection of many things.its not like you knew and the feeling that you forgot. Its like it never happened in my life.. for ex, i am told before the stroke, we went to hyd. I have absolutely no recollection of it. I know now a few bits, not because i recollect it, but because i have seen the photos and videos on my phone.. similarly, when im asked if i remember some incidence from the past, it seems like im lying, but its a complete blank...

Interesting and strange....


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