20210103 : My hallucinations

Now that i have an account of what transpired, i will try to giva a glimpse of what was happening in my head. I dont know if they were dreams, hallucinations or imaginations. They were fantastical and detailed and unlike dreams which you typically forget or fades out, some of them i remember very clearly. I had no sense of time and dont remember the sequence it all played out. Each thread felt like it ran into days.. reminds me of the movie 'Inception' where your life in that world is 20 times normal time.. and if you asked me, i  could swear it was all real. It took a while to figure it was all just in my head...
I was in the ambulance of what looked like some basement, seemed more like the basement parking of some mall. There was a lot of fight and argument and there was no room free to admit me. So, i stayed in the basement for days together..
***** This might have been in the 2st hospital, im not sure
 I was tied to a chair and left dangling from a rope, i was small, almost the size of figures that are left dangling from car mirrors... It went on for days and i was completely dehydrated and parched and begging for water. They said i was under observation i dont know what. I was very angry as they had got permission to do this.i remember  thinking how cruel to give permission for this treatment.
***** I must have heard something regarding some consent for some procedure..
I didnt participate in this, i was just observing... my wife was across a funny table with the anaesthetist and Neurologist discussing something. The table had 2 tops, like a gap inbetween like college desks. It was for under the table dealings. I remember thinking just give the money and get it over with...
***** I dont know when this was ,or what for. But definitely must have seen the 3 together.. also. I had never met the anaesthetist earlier, but could recognise him from these hallucinations... He was always the villian in my stories...
I was in a big place on a beach, seemed like a warehouse. My Colleague and his daughter were also there. We were discussing something abt surfboards. There was also someone else who was trying to move us to another building. We we under attack by some big army and we were defending ourselves.. it went on and on and it was very elaborate...
***** I am guessing this was when my colleague visited. He must have said something about his daughter...


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