20220316 : Soup
I have mentioned many times earlier about my battle with a few spoons every afternoon.
Usually it is a soup of tomato or carrot or a combination of the two.
Given my tolerance, no spices are added. Just a pinch of salt to taste . It tastes good and I have got used to them.
Few days back, I was given something else. I couldn't identify the taste/ flavour.
So I asked later and I was told what it was.
It's a vegetable I must have had a million times in all possible ways. And I couldn't recognise it! Its plain naked as well - no other spices and flavours.
I then realised I don't get the taste of the others properly also. I just imagine it is so because of the colour. More towards Red it must be tomato and more towards Orange it must be carrots. And combinations for the hues inbetween.
I don't actually know what it tastes like.
It will be fun if I do a blind taste test. I am guessing they will all taste similar.
Even more fun, if no blindfold but food colouring is used 😂😂😂
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