20220509 : Social Media power

Couple of days back, I wished to share something.

I wrote on WhatsApp. it's a small bunch of people.

I put it up on my blog. This was more of a ritual - nobody visits it.

I shared it on a StrokeSupport group I am part of. It's off the main topic and unlikely more than a few would have read it.

I wished it to have a wider audience. I wished many more to know about the experience.

I realised I can't hide from social media anymore if I need the reach.

So, I visited one of them. A fairly established and well known one.

I was going there after a long time. A very very long time!

I don't have any of the SM apps on my phone. I didn't want to install it.

I logged in using the browser on the mobile.

And it hit me!

A flurry of updates, friend requests, notifications, chat messages etc. I felt overwhelmed with the busyness of the place! 

Somebody I know just had a baby, somebody I know moved somewhere, somebody I know has an anniversary, somebody 's birthday, so on..

There was a lot of pressure by myself on me to say something, to do something.

Then there are red light notifications everywhere - requests, messages, other notifications etc.

I was feeling dizzy dealing with all of it. Took me sometime to calm myself reminding myself I don't have to do anything about anything 🙂. 

Then I posted what I wanted to. I had to take a break soon after, as it was time for my physio.

Couple of hours later I opened the phone. 

There were comments, reactions, messages regarding the post. I was very tempted to respond to the comments but decided not to. Same for everything else.

Another break. When I saw again, more comments, more reactions, more messages.

I responded to the messages, sent a few myself.

I couldn't resist scrolling and looking through posts. There were so many updates from so many folks! Many who I know and many more I don't. There was a lot of catching up to do.

It was only when my nurses reminded me of something I had to do that I realised how long had passed.

Just a day earlier, I was contemplating how to make more room in my daily routine/ time table to gain more time for many things I do/ need to do - and here I was, whiling away my (precious) time.

After a couple of hours, I could see my mind getting restless wanting to go and check what more comments/ messages/ notifications/ posts had come up relevant to me.

Really? Till a day ago I was happy and without this concern. If this compulsive behaviour induced is not addiction, I don't know what is!

But there was a lot of benefit too. I was able to connect with many and it is certainly a very big stage to communicate.

Another aspect I could clearly see, is the start/ onset of negativity. I was very happy knowing things about so many, but I could also clearly feel the comparison/ contrasting building up gradually and subtly and it was bound to lead to a feeling of misery and depression about my life.

So, nothing new with these observations, it is very well known and scientifically proven.

To feel it creeping up was something.

I think SM has two facets.

In one, it is very useful to gain reach, to connect and communicate etc. It is working a lot for us.

Along the way, and it is a very subtle change over, we start working for it. Very hard!

Generally speaking, if we think I am strong, I can resist, I won't get addicted, etc. We are kidding and don't know what we are dealing with!

 So, what do I intend to do?

I will try using it and not get used by it. I have made some rules for myself:

1. I'll login when I have a purpose, do whatever I need to do, respond to messages and comments that need responding and leave.
2. If I have nothing to do, I will check once in a few days (I don't know what few is, maybe alternate days)
3. Never more than once a day 
4. Strictly time rationed - 15m max 
5. No getting lured by flashing lights and notifications, no scrolling posts, etc.

If I am not able to contain the compulsiveness and abide by the rules I have set, it's bye bye social media again...


  1. I've bookmarked your blog post after seeing it on the social media channel. I'll stay tuned here and follow your thoughts.

    Social media has always been an addictive platform that can throw you off. The idea of showing off your adventures, trips, fun filled life is doesn't truly reflect their lives and I've consciously unfollowed folks/ stay off platforms for the same reason. We have some much in our lives to look forward to, wasting time away looking at others' didn't seem right

  2. Agree Sharath. It is a world we can watch and while away time when we forget to watch the world we are in.

  3. Anonymous10/5/22 11:21

    Sreekath bhai...very happy and emotional for me to read your blogs...u may not know but you have been inspiration for many and I am one of them...was following up about you indirectly through friends and u were there in my thoughts and prayers. It felt so good to read about ur thoughts and feeling. Would love to catchup with you in person when in Bangalore, but for now social media is the saviour..Your friend, admirer and well wisher..Chand Bajaj

  4. Thank you Chand! Very nice to hear from you too.


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