20220503 : misplaced value.

Sometime ago, (i don't remember when), I shared about my 3 Gods - the Bell, the TV and the Phone.

There is an call bell app on my phone now. I use it frequently to get attention when I am not able to have the physical bell with me.

The TV has broken down on two occasions in the last year and I have survived weeks without it - listening to music and podcasts on my phone.

It is safe to say that the 3 of them have converged to 1 single supreme power.

Over the past 1 and half years, I have started to use the phone - very slowly and rudimentary in the beginning and very powerful things progressively.

I live in WhatsApp and Gmail. I would have no idea how to spend time if I could not correspond with the world. 

I also occasionally use hangouts, telegram, zoom, skype, dischord, etc. All to connect with others.

I have a lot of financial abilities because I have the banking apps of every bank that I bank with. I have a bunch of other financial apps and of course - Google pay and phone pe and other payment apps.

And of course, all the retail stores are open to me because of Amazon, Flipkart, Bigbasket, Swiggy and the likes.

I also use several productivity apps from Google, Microsoft and a bunch of others to work with documents, spreadsheets, PDFs, etc. Many other things like drive, notes, blogger, calendar , etc too.

There are a whole bunch of other utilities to help manage the phone service, the internet service, our router and wifi setup, our apartment adda facilities etc.

And of course, I have the world of information in my hand thanks to Google Chrome.

And when I am bored with all of them, I have a bunch of image/ photo and video editing tools to play with.

Needless to say, my phone occupies a very revered place in my life. It is my power and window to the world.

It is very precious and I am very protective of the phone.

Yet it is replaceable. I did replace it few weeks back. Everything this phone that I hold very precious about - my previous phone did. In some years, some other phone will replace this one.  

The only thing that is really precious and my world currently is the fore finger on my left hand. Without it, I cannot even scroll and read anything on the phone I regard so highly.

I should recognise and regard and be thankful for the finger for being there and doing its miracle of a job. Everyday and all the time.

Metaphorically speaking, how many phones are we enamored with, attached to and have a misplaced value towards, while ignoring, not recognising and being appreciative of the fore fingers in our lives....


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