20220311 : dream world/ reality

When I was a boy, in school, my mother used to wake me up early in the morning. Most of the time it would be to study when it was close to the tests/ exams. Later, it was regular - as I had to go for my maths tution. it was at 6:30am, so I had to be up early and get ready and cycle about 15 mins to get there...

I would reluctantly get up, go brush my teeth, finish my morning ablutions and change my clothes. It was Nutramul/ Maltova/ Bournvita/ Complan days and a big nice hot mug would be waiting for me. I would gulp it down, take the cycle and get to the premises as fast as I could. I would usually make it just in time or just late and would squeeze myself in the corner at the back.

For some reason, this teacher loved simultaneous equations/ quadratic equations and it was very common to find very familiar problems on the board which he would give and go home (adjoining) for a cuppa.

That was the time to snooze for me. More often than not, I would hear him suddenly come and shouting at me.

Except it would not be the teacher but my mother. Would turn out, I never got up when woken up in the first instance and I had smoothly transitioned between the reality and the dream world and doing everything there. It would have been just a few minutes in reality. I would be so disappointed - for I would have to do everything all over again!

As I grew up a bit more, this slowly stopped. Although I was thankful, I also missed that experience for sometime and I later forgot about it.

Last night, I found myself in some place. It looked posh. It might have been some hotel lobby I think. It's dream world and I was ok. But in the dream I remembered I was not ok usually. I don't exactly remember what I thought was wrong, but there was a distinct feeling that I was not ok usually.

The men's toom was also very tidy and clean. I remember the distinct feeling of happiness that I could take a leak normally. I couldn't make out why it was a big deal and very satisfying but it was very satisfying. I closed my eyes with happiness and felt nice and warm and wet.

Wait... Warm and Wet!

That's when I smoothly transitioned back from the dream world to reality.

Only thing is, there were no things to be repeated this time. I woke up the poor sleeping nurses at a little over 2:00am, who uncomplainingly changed the sheets, my clothes, my diaper, cleaned me and put me back to sleep in the unearthly hour....


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