20220217 : living the image

I stopped studying biology after 10th. I hated it.

I avoided it very much - I liked things with wires.

During and after engineering, I was an engineer in my mind, I would avoid biology stuff.

In recent times, after 3 decades, I have realised I actually enjoy it. Understanding various things about humans/ animals/ etc.

I realised it was a combination of the subject delivery that had brought the aversion which I built on top of.

I spent 3 decades avoiding something because I had behaved according to an image of myself I had created.

 There are many such things which I have not done because it is not me or my type , because I think so or others have told me so.

I also regularly come across tons of messages, memes, Quotes, etc. everyday.

They come in many shapes and forms - essentially meaning - " I am like this only, take it or leave it".

I think we are all born a clean slate. 

 As we grow, we acquire many things - skills, thinking, stuff, roles, etc.

The image starts slowly forming.

When we are young, we are quick to both draw and erase when it doesn't work.

Over time though, and I don't know why or when it happens, we replace the chalk with paint.

Now, we have to live the image...

We make the personality rigid.

 Everything from what we say, what we do, what we think is not as per the freedom of our lives, but to conform to that image we have created.

It can get stressful over time - to live conforming to the image always.


I get it, it it harder to work with paint, or erase permanent markers, but it is not impossible. There are solutions...

I think it is for us to recognise that stuff can be erased, stuff can be redrawn and to recognise our real self from the image and live freely - willing to change. 

We certainly don't have to change for what others want. But willing to change for ourselves, to live freely.... 

If I could make a forward message, it would read "irrespective of your age, stage, status and role, have the courage to change yourself and find the liberation in it"...


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