20210629 : Societal norms

We all tend to follow many customs, rituals, practices, etc. day to day. I would call them Socially acceptable behaviour. Most of them are not new. It has been so as a tradition for ages. When they were created, I reckon there was good reason. Most of them would not be reasonable anymore. Some of them might be relevant even now, except we don't know that reason.

It is very understandable that everyone (irrespective of gender, religion,caste, etc) usually are compliant, and don't think of questioning it, because they have seen their parents, aunts and uncles, basically everyone around them following the same norms. They have grown up seeing it, so it is imbibed. 

If someone wages a lone battle, they will most certainly become the outcasts, the misfits, the black sheep of the family basically.

Many such things lead to anything from simply silly/stupid behaviour to low esteem to things with can be outright injustice.

So what can someone do in such times? Simply follow the norm or try to make a change?

I think there is no one answer to this. Sometimes, one lives in such a rigid society, that even raising their voice could mean losing their lives or worse. Its easy to be an outsider and prescribe what's the stance to take. But is best left to the individual based on the courage and strength they can muster for it.

But often, we are not in such extreme situations and things are a little more malleable.

In such situations, i feel, we should try to change things. We may be alone or we can enlist folks who are supportive, related or otherwise.

I feel its important to do this, not just for addressing our own situation, but more importantly, because the next generation is watching/ observing this behaviour and learning how to live. 

Many of us are genuinely ignorant to these (not pretending ignorance). I guess, its understandable. But if we come to a realisation, and the circumstances allow for doing something about things, its unfortunate to silently follow the norm or endure the norm. We become, sort of, guilty by association.

Bringing about a change in society, i think, rarely happens overnight. It is usually a few decades, as we have to change a generational mindset. Its not easy, but a necessary effort by individuals to initiate the change they want to see in the future generations to come...

Whatever one choses to do (or not do), they have to be their own judge. Others can neither pass judgement or opinion on it for it is not their circumstances.

But everyone will get their chances, in their own circumstances, and they will be their own judge how they respond...


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