20250112 - Critical life support systems

Critical life support systems...

We have many needs in life. But not all of them are critical for life itself.

Just an extension of "Maslow's hierarchy of needs"... 

Ex., we need a number of things in life today - shelter, clothing, sense of security, etc., etc. you can even throw in electricity, internet, wifi, mobile nowadays. Most of us will die without it. 

They are all needs, but not critical needs in my opinion. As per my opinion, there are only three things that are critical to life. i.e., life won't survive without these things:
1. Oxygen/ air/ breathing 
2. Water/ fluids/ drink 
3. Food/ Nutrition/ eating or consuming 

1. Air - we breathe. It only takes a couple of minutes for humans without it to die.
If we can't breathe, usually we are plugged in to some sort of ventilator machine. It's an external critical life support system. If one cannot breathe at all and has to be on a ventilator forever, how long is reasonable to keep them plugged in (assuming everything else is reasonably ok)?

2. Water - all living things need water to survive. Depending on the category of the being, the timeframe varies. For humans, generally it is a couple of days (3-7). If we can't drink, they usually hydrate us by giving "drips". It's an external critical life support system as well.
Same question, if it is reasonable to assume one cannot drink anymore forever , how long is it reasonable to keep them on the life support system? 

3. Food/ Nutrition - all living beings need some sort of nutrition to sustain life. For humans it is food (a balanced diet) i guess. If we can't eat/ consume food, its a couple of weeks (3-4 weeks max). If we can't eat/ consume, they usually deliver the nutrition through pipes (a ryles tube through the oesophagus or a PEG tube to the stomach directly). Fluid nutrition to sustain - Can't do any solids. 
That's an external critical life support system as well. Life won't go on without it. 
Same question, how long is it reasonable to keep the external support system going for? 

If we allow and trust nature, these critical support systems are an interference in the natural process of life, because, without them, it is a matter of 
1. Couple of minutes 
2. Couple of days 
3. Couple of weeks 

In my opinion, these external interferences should be temporary till the being gets better and they can survive on their own. 

Question is? How long is reasonable to interfere with nature and natural process be considered temporary.....? 


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