20241005 - The worlds we live in

Over the years, I have heard about the many worlds that exist, based on upbringing, beliefs, etc.

Bhuloka - earth I think 
Swargaloka - heaven 
Narakaloka - hell
Paatalaloka - I don't know what it is in english 
etc., etc ...

As I said earlier, these are driven by our belief system, upbringing and to a certain extent, also underscored by our religious beliefs. I am sure there are many more...

However, I have no real proof for most of them, except earth...

Within the earth, I think we live in 5 worlds :

1. Political world 
2. Economic world 
3. Technological world 
4. The planet world &
5. personal world.

Again, I am sure there are many more dimensions to cut it into, but these are what I feel we are primarily in.

1. The political world: primarily driven by borders as countries/ nations based on all kinds of reasons - geographical, religious, language, you name it. Primarily driven by ego and power. Whether we like it or not, we belong to one of those places in this world..

2. The economic world:
Irrespective of the political world we live in, there are very deep connections and interdependencies between every one of them. They have no traditional boundaries similar to the political world but influenced by it. Hence, political world changes and disruptions have an impact here too and we are not immune to its impacts and reverberations. It is primarily transactional and also driven by power which is driven by ego.

2. Technological world: this is a complicated world. Some of the facets of this word we are aware of. Like which platform I use, which device I use, which social media platform I choose to reside in, etc . But we don't know which of these determine our belief in information, how the various parts of this world really influence, manipulate and use us. This are only the parts we currently interact with in this world. The new parts of this world - like AI, advanced robotics, bioengineering, etc., they will not just influence but have the potential to shake us at the core. Best part, we won't even know what hit us because most of us don't even know what is happening in the past few years in these areas of this world.
It could be driven by power, but I think it is primarily driven by greed. It is also underpinned by ego.

4. I call this the planet world or the physical world.
This is the flavour of the times. I might be living in a perfect well behaved political boundary, but I am impacted by my rogue neighbour or some rogue nation on the other side of the planet.
Yes, I am talking about what is called "climate change". It needs policies and policing across all 3 borders - political, economic and technological. I am impacted by it but I cannot do anything about it alone. This is again driven by greed and lack of compassion.

5. I call this one's personal world (for lack of creative thinking and coming up with something better).

All the above 4 worlds I described, I am I am very certainly impacted by but very rarely have the ability to influence them. It takes a lot political power, enough economic might, ability and access to technology and a combination of all 3 sometimes to actively influence any of them.

However, unlike the other 4 worlds above, this world is very personal and entirety driven by my ethics, my empathy, my compassion, my ability to act and care. The state of helplessness in the above 4 worlds doesn't exist. Rarely one is trying to influence the entire world. Maybe a close friend, maybe a close relative, maybe someone else one cares about enough to act and care. There is no conformance to external rules of right and wrong, moral or not. I am only guided by my personal ethics, empathy, compassion etc. I am trying to do something positive for someone and inturn it influences me positively.

If enough number of people wield their influence positively in their personal worlds on people they care about, it will automatically positively influence and change the other 4 worlds . 

But, unfortunately, it works the other way as well. If enough people turn negative towards close people, it has a cascading effect negatively on the other 4 worlds. 

I have a bad feeling that is the direction we are headed in over the recent history. 

I hope we'll buck the trend and turn around somehow... 


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