20231103 : karma...

Yesterday, I watched a news item.

A young man in a big city was on a two wheeler and was knocked down in a hit and run case.

He lay on the road bleeding and struggling for a long time. A crowd gathered around him. They took videos of him and some even stole his mobile phone and few other personal items. He eventually bled to death on the road itself.

Nobody helped him, nobody called an ambulance nobody called any emergency number etc .

I don't really know if karma exists. However, I know the definition of karma at a broad level (I might be wrong), but broadly, I understand karma as a outcome or consequences of our actions.

In the above case, I can think of 5 actors:
1. The person who caused the hit and run accident in the first place. 
2. The folks who gathered around and looted the dying fellow
3. The folks who made and uploaded videos of the dying fellow
4. The folks who stood around and watched but did nothing
5. The folks who saw it happening but were too busy to stop even 

Now, from the definition of karma (as per my understanding), karma applies to some of them because of their actions.

But, in my opinion - a very strong opinion at that. Karma will apply to every one of them. I strongly feel that karma affects us both for our actions and inactions - when we can act and should act.

Many many horrible things from petty thefts to rape and murders happen unopposed everyday, everywhere because of inactions to prevent it by many. If the folks who can, should but don't act. They may convince themselves that they didn't do anything direct harm. But the karma (according to me) will have a different story to tell them eventually.... 


  1. Anonymous3/11/23 17:50

    Couldn’t agree with you more on this Sreekanth; I have come to realise that personal inaction is really a decision based on cowardice, hiding in the crowd, shirking responsibilities; also many of the people are v good at pointing out what others should and preaching; this can be witnessed in all walks of life , sometimes walking away and hiding away in a crowd is v easy, to stay invisible is easy but you are right inaction too leads to karma , I too believe that; at some level we are all guilty of this; the other day I was watching this documentary on I am Greta and I felt the same for myself!


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